Wellness Activities — What is Happening at Our School?
2021-22 School Year Wellness Activities
Blennerhassett Elementary
Schoolwide Fun Run
Intramural sports and activities at recess
Walking and running on track
Sanitizing station
Speed hand washing instruction
Health lessons
Red Ribbon Week/drug awareness
Fire Safety
First aid, CPR, Heimlich training for staff
Brain breaks
Yoga, mindfulness
Staff walking challenges
Blennerhassett Middle
CPR Training
Weight Lifting after school
Walking Club
Biggest Loser Competition
Mindfulness Club
Open facility for youth sports
Mobile Wellness/Dental Clinic
Criss Elementary
Blood pressure checks for staff
Jump rope for heart
Hand-Sanitizing at lunch and recess
Brain Breaks in classrooms
Drug Awareness
Alcohol and Tobacco Awareness
Fitness Gram

Edison Middle
Gardening Club
Blood Pressure Checks for Staff
Health Fair for Students
Sports during recess
Hand sanitizing stations in café, lunch, recess
Recycling Program
Outdoor Classroom – Arboretum
Outdoor Classroom – Library Garden
Emerson Elementary
Morning Walking Club
Jump Rope for Heart
Farmers Market
Fairplains Elementary
Blood pressure checks for staff
Brain breaks & movement breaks during instructional time
Classroom garden boxes
Hand sanitizing stations
Drug free awareness for students & staff
Sensory/active hallway for indoor recess
Franklin Elementary
Kidding Around Yoga
Calm Classroom
Mindfulness (Go Noodle and Smiling Minds)
Blood pressure checks for staff
Dental clinic for students
Implementation of hand-sanitizing stations at lunch and recess
Outdoor Classroom
“Brain Breaks” throughout the day during their instructional time.
Alcohol and tobacco awareness to your students/staff
Drug awareness to your students/staff
Parent Engagement Event (Mindfulness and Trauma)
Bullying Prevention
Healthy Snacks Program (Fruit)
Partnership with Fairlawn Baptist for classroom snacks
COVID Testing for staff/students
Flu shots for staff
Field Day
Breakfast in the Classroom
Winter coat project with North Parkersburg Baptist Church
December bicycle give away
Gihon Elementary
Blood pressure checks for staff
Implementation of hand-sanitizing stations at lunch and recess
School recycling program for staff and students
Staff weight loss program "Biggest Loser"
“Brain Breaks” throughout the day during their instructional time
Use of school walking track
Fuel Up to Play 60 healthy food/active lifestyle activities
Schoolwide Field Day
Greenmont Elementary
Gardening Club with Mr. Mace
Jump rope For Heart- PE classes
Hand sanitizing station use before/after PE/lunch/recess
School recycling program on Mondays
Peer mediation with counselor and fifth grade teachers
Brain breaks in Prek-5 classes
PTA Walk-A-Thon
Hamilton Middle School
Activity Period Daily with walking track and activities inside during inclement weather.
Hydration Stations and Bottle Filling stations.
Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Awareness Programs
School Garden
Hand sanitizing stations in all public areas
Jackson Middle School
7th grade Science does garden (greenhouse) in the Spring
Walking Club
Yoga (in PE)
Jump rope for heart
Intramural sports during student lunch/
Wellness Wednesday messages (in Health)
Implementation of hand-sanitizing stations at lunch and recess
School recycling program: recycling plastic bottles /paper
Outdoor Classroom a space outside that coincides with Jackson Park (up the trail)
Staff weight loss program
Blood pressure checks for staff
Alcohol and tobacco awareness to your students/staff
Drug awareness to your students/staff
Jefferson Elementary
Cardio drumming
Line Dancing
Jump Rope for Heart
Kanawha Elementary
Yoga (K-5 Artsbridge)
Get-Up-And-Move Celebrations
Go Noodle in classrooms (K-5)
Boys and Girls Club Visits
Fall Fitness Frenzy
Blood pressure checks for staff
Lubeck Elementary
Flu shots for staff
Blood pressure checks for staff
Water bottle filling stations to encourage healthy drink options
Daily use of walking track for students, prior to recess beginning
Madison Elementary
4th and 5th Grade Garden Club
Arts bridge Yoga presentations
Dump the Pump staff weight lose challenge
Games are set up in the gym for students to play when they come in before the bell rings in the morning.
School recycling leaders
Outdoor garden classroom space with bird feeders
Many teachers use brain breaks in the classroom using Go Noodle
Becky Marks with WVU extension presents health and nutrition lessons with classes. sponsored the
WVU Extension pop-up farmers market last year for students to take home new fruits and vegetables with recipes for families.
Celebrate Red Ribbon Week in October with guest speakers
Nurse does dental presentations and hand washing in classrooms
Vision checks
PTA and Title 1 sponsored Roll and Read
Field Day
Dental clinic
Martin Elementary
Mobile Dental Clinic
Vision Screenings for Pre-K and Kindergarten students
CPR Classes for Staff
First Aid Education for 1st Grade
Puberty Education for 5th Grade
Hygiene Education for 4th Grade
Week-end Food Bags for in-need students
Physically-active brain breaks throughout the school day
Mineral Wells Elementary
Field Day May 2022
Water bottle filling stations
Character Education classes- emotional wellness
30-minute recess daily for all students
Three, 40-minute physical education classes per week
Behavior rewards: extra recess, extra physical time, glow dance
Safe Schools Trainings
Hand sanitizing stations
Red Ribbon Week
Brain Breaks
Yoga - Artsbridge Program
Girls and boys basketball programs
Track team
Neale Elementary
Blood pressure checks for staff
Jump rope for heart
Implementation of hand-sanitizing stations at lunch and recess
Brain Breaks
Staff weight loss program
Parkersburg High School
Gardening Club
Blood pressure checks for staff
Blood drive
Health fair for students, staff, and community
Intramural sports during student breaks/recess
Implementation of hand sanitizing stations at lnc and recess
School recycling program
Outdoor classroom
Peer mediation
Brain Breaks throughout the day
Staff weight loss program
Alcohol and tobacco awareness to students
Drug awareness to students and staff
Gang prevention and education
Variety of clubs for students to participate in
Parkersburg South High School
Blood pressure checks for staff
Blood drive
Intramural sports during student breaks/recess
Implementation of hand-sanitizing stations at lunch and recess
School recycling program
Peer mediation
Brain Breaks throughout the day
Student Walk-a-thon
Alcohol and tobacco awareness to your students and staff
Drug awareness to students and staff
Gang prevention and education
Van Devender Middle
Blood pressure checks for staff
Intramural sports during student breaks/recess
Wellness Wednesday messages/ Suite 360
Implementation of hand-sanitizing stations at lunch and recess
“Brain Breaks” throughout the day during their instructional time.
Alcohol and tobacco awareness to students/staff
Drug awareness to students/staff
Vienna Elementary
Morning Walking Program-voluntary, on the playground track (7:40-7:55).
Dance Revolution - voluntary, in the gym in the mornings during winter months (7:40-7:55).
Club Day- school-wide reward for attendance and/or assessment results, includes bike riding and intramural sport signups. (half days-PM)
Williamstown Elementary
Jump Rope for Life
Wellness Weight Loss Staff Team Competition
Williamstown High School
Blood pressure checks for staff
Blood drive
Health Fair
Intramural sports
Implementation of hand-sanitizing stations at lunch and recess
School recycling program
Peer mediation
Staff adding walking into their daily routines.
alcohol and tobacco awareness programs
drug awareness programs
14 clubs